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Here is the list of all my publications, most can be found in Google Scholar or in my Research Gate page. If you can not access the PDF, do not hesitate to contact me and I will be happy provide a reprint. 

Shen, Y., Estrada-Villegas, S.  Umaña, M.N., Goodale, E., Robinson, S., Quan, Q., Zhang, Q. 2024. Differences in mixed‐species bird flocks across forest succession: Combining network analysis and trait‐based ecology related to the fast‐slow continuumFunctional Ecology.

Sullivan, M.K, Browne, L., Penagos Zuluaga, J.C., Liu, J., Surendra, A., Estrada-Villegas, S. 2023. Sacred forest biodiversity conservation: A meta‐analysisConservation Science and Practice, e13055.

Graves, S.J., Marconi, S., Stewart, D., Harmon, I., Weinstein, B.,  Kanazawa, Y., Scholl, V.M., Joseph, M.B., McGlinchy, J., Browne, L.,  Sullivan, M.K, Estrada-Villegas, S., Wang, D.Z., Singh, A., Bohlman, S., Zare, A., White, E.P. 2023. Data science competition for cross-site individual tree species identification from airborne remote sensing dataPeerJ, e16578.

Estrada-Villegas, S., Stevenson, P., López, O., DeWalt, S.J., Comita, L.S., Dent, D.H. 2022. Animal seed dispersal recovery during passive restoration in a forested landscapePhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 1867.

Estrada-Villegas, S., Rivas, L. D., Barrera J.F., Barrera Rivas, S., Correa, D.F., Argüello Bernal, L.S., Aldana, A.M., Casas, L.F., Lozano-Balcázar, A., Gómez-Bahamón, V., Gómez, C., Bayly, N., Jahn, A.E., Quiñones, A., Corbett, E. C., Castro, F. Stevenson, P. 2022. Plant, bird, and mammal diversity of the Tomogrande field station, Vichada, ColombiaBiota Colombiana, 23 (1).

Estrada-Villegas, S., Pérez Torres, J., McGill, B. J., & Stevens, R. D. 2022. Environmental seasonality regulates community evenness in neotropical bat communities. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 216.

Estrada-Villegas, S., S. S. Pedraza Narvaez, A. Sanchez, and S. A. Schnitzer. 2022. Lianas significantly reduce tree performance and biomass accumulation across tropical forests: A Global Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4.

Ramírez-Fráncel, L. A., L. V. García-Herrera, S. Losada-Prado, G. Reinoso-Flórez, A. Sánchez-Hernández, S. Estrada-Villegas, B. K. Lim, and G. Guevara. 2022. Bats and their vital ecosystem services: a global review. Integrative Zoology 17:2-23.

Schnitzer, S. A., D. M. DeFilippis, M. Visser, S. Estrada-Villegas, R. Rivera-Camaña, B. Bernal, S. Peréz, A. Valdéz, S. Valdéz, A. Aguilar, J. W. Dalling, E. N. Broadbent, A. M. Almeyda Zambrano, S. P. Hubbell, and M. Garcia-Leon. 2021. Local canopy disturbance as an explanation for long-term increases in liana abundance. Ecology Letters:1-13.

Estrada-Villegas, S., J. S. Hall, M. van Breugel, and S. A. Schnitzer. 2021. Lianas do not reduce tree biomass accumulation in young successional tropical dry forests. Oecologia 195:1019-1029.

Dent, D. H., and S. Estrada-Villegas. 2021. Uniting niche differentiation and dispersal limitation predicts tropical forest succession. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 36:700-708.

Schnitzer, S. A., S. Estrada-Villegas, and S. J. Wright. 2020. The response of lianas to 20 yr of nutrient addition in a Panamanian forest. Ecology 101:e03190.

Stevens, R. D., and S. Estrada-Villegas. 2020. Chapter 20 Community Ecology. Pages 347-372 in T. H. Fleming, L. M. Dávalos, and M. A. R. Mello, editors. Phyllostomid Bats: A Unique Mammalian Radiation. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Mello, F. N. A., S. Estrada-Villegas, D. M. DeFilippis, and S. A. Schnitzer. 2020. Can Functional Traits Explain Plant Coexistence? A Case Study with Tropical Lianas and Trees. Diversity 12:397.

Estrada-Villegas, S., J. S. Hall, M. van Breugel, and S. A. Schnitzer. 2020. Lianas reduce biomass accumulation in early successional tropical forests. Ecology 101:e02989.

Estrada-Villegas, S., N. DeMalach, M. M. Ramos, L. M. Ladwig, S. J. Meiners, L. K. Werden, and S. A. Schnitzer. 2020. Review of the Symposium Determinism and Stochasticity in Ecological Succession in ESA-Louisville, 2019. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 101:1-6.

Estrada-Villegas, S., M. Bailón, J. S. Hall, S. A. Schnitzer, B. L. Turner, T. Caughlin, and M. van Breugel. 2020. Edaphic factors and initial conditions influence successional trajectories of early regenerating tropical dry forests. Journal of Ecology 108:160-174.

Adams, B. J., E. M. Gora, M. van Breugel, S. Estrada-Villegas, S. A. Schnitzer, J. S. Hall, and S. P. Yanoviak. 2019. Do lianas shape ant communities in an early successional tropical forest? Biotropica 51:885-893.

Azofeifa, Y., S. Estrada-Villegas, J. Mavárez, and J. M. Nassar. 2019. Activity of aerial insectivorous bats in two rice fields in the northwestern Llanos of Venezuela. Acta Chiropterologica 21:149-163.

Castillo S,. D. Cardona, M. A. Rodríguez-Rocha, N. V. Plata, L. E. Martínez, E. Bahamón, D. M. Díaz-Rueda, J. Pérez-Torrez, y S. Estrada-Villegas. 2019. Declaratoria de sitios importantes para la conservación de los murciélagos en Colombia: el caso de las cuevas Macaregua y La Alsacia (Santander). Pages 68-77 In: Voces de la gestión territorial: estrategias complementarias para la conservación de la biodiversidad en Colombia. C. Matallana, A. Areiza, A. Silva, S. Galán, C. Solano y A. M. Rueda (Eds). Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Fundación Natura

Estrada-Villegas, S., and S. A. Schnitzer. 2018. A comprehensive synthesis of liana removal experiments in tropical forests. Biotropica 50:729-739.

Estrada-Villegas, S., T. K. Halczok, M. Tschapka, R. A. Page, S. D. Brändel, and T. Hiller. 2018. Bats and their Bat Flies: Community Composition and Host Specificity on a Pacific Island Archipelago. Acta Chiropterologica 20:161-176.

Pérez-Torres, J., D. Martínez-Medina, M. Peñuela-Salgado, M. C. Ríos-Blanco, S. Estrada-Villegas, and L. Martínez-Luque. 2015. Macaregua: the cave with the highest bat richness in Colombia. Check List 11:1616.

Meyer, C. F. J., L. M. S. Aguiar, L. F. Aguirre, J. Baumgarten, F. M. Clarke, J.-F. Cosson, S. Estrada Villegas, J. Fahr, D. Faria, N. Furey, M. Henry, R. K. B. Jenkins, T. H. Kunz, M. Cristina MacSwiney González, I. Moya, J.-M. Pons, P. A. Racey, K. Rex, E. M. Sampaio, K. E. Stoner, C. C. Voigt, D. von Staden, C. D. Weise, and E. K. V. Kalko. 2015. Species undersampling in tropical bat surveys: effects on emerging biodiversity patterns. Journal of Animal Ecology 84:113-123.

Estrada-Villegas, S., R. Rodríguez-Moreno, and K. Barboza-Marquez. 2014. Ecolocación en murciélagos: fundamentos, usos y equipos. Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Conservación de los Murciélagos.

Estrada-Villegas, S., and B. Ramírez. 2013. Bats of Casanare, Colombia. Chiroptera Neotropical 19:1-13.

Estrada-Villegas, S., B. J. McGill, and E. K. V. Kalko. 2012. Determinants of species evenness in a neotropical bat ensemble. Oikos 121:927-941.

Estrada-Villegas, S., B. J. McGill, and E. K. V. Kalko. 2012. Climate, habitat, and species interactions at different scales determine the structure of a Neotropical bat community. Ecology 93:1183-1193.

Meyer, C. F. J., L. M. S. Aguiar, L. F. Aguirre, J. Baumgarten, F. M. Clarke, J.-F. Cosson, S. Estrada-Villegas, J. Fahr, D. Faria, N. Furey, M. Henry, R. Hodgkison, R. K. B. Jenkins, K. G. Jung, T. Kingston, T. H. Kunz, M. Cristina MacSwiney Gonzalez, I. Moya, B. D. Patterson, J.-M. Pons, P. A. Racey, K. Rex, E. M. Sampaio, S. Solari, K. E. Stoner, C. C. Voigt, D. von Staden, C. D. Weise, and E. K. V. Kalko. 2011. Accounting for detectability improves estimates of species richness in tropical bat surveys. Journal of Applied Ecology 48:777-787.

Meyer, C. F. J., L. M. S. Aguiar, L. F. Aguirre, J. Baumgarten, F. M. Clarke, J.-F. Cosson, S. Estrada-Villegas, J. Fahr, D. Faria, N. Furey, M. Henry, R. Hodgkison, R. K. B. Jenkins, K. G. Jung, T. Kingston, T. H. Kunz, M. C. MacSwiney Gonzalez, I. Moya, J.-M. Pons, P. A. Racey, K. Rex, E. M. Sampaio, K. E. Stoner, C. C. Voigt, D. v. Staden, C. D. Weise, and E. K. V. Kalko. 2010. Long-term monitoring of tropical bats for anthropogenic impact assessment: Gauging the statistical power to detect population change. Biological Conservation 143:2797-2807.

Estrada-Villegas, S., J. Pérez-Torres, and P. R. Stevenson. 2010. Ensamblaje de murciélagos en un bosque subandino colombiano y análisis sobre la dieta de algunas especies. Mastozoología neotropical 17:31-41.

Estrada-Villegas, S., C. F. J. Meyer, and E. K. V. Kalko. 2010. Effects of tropical forest fragmentation on aerial insectivorous bats in a land-bridge island system. Biological Conservation 143:597-608.

Kalko, E. K. V., S. Estrada-Villegas, M. Schmidt, M. Wegmann, and C. F. J. Meyer. 2008. Flying high-assessing the use of the aerosphere by bats. Integrative and Comparative Biology 48:60-73.

Estrada-Villegas, S., L. Allen, M. García, M. Hoffmann, M. L. Munroe, and O. Wallacea. 2007. Bat assemblage composition and diversity of the Cusuco National Park, Honduras. Operation Wallacea, San Pedro Sula.

Estrada-Villegas, S., J. Pérez-Torres, and P. Stevenson. 2007. Seed dispersal by bats in a mountain forest edge. Ecotropicos 20:1-14.

Estrada-Villegas, S., C. A. Pedraza, J. Pérez-Torres, and P. R. Stevenson. 2007. Nuevo reporte sobre la dieta de Sturnira aratathomasi y algunas notas sobre su distribución en Colombia. Chiroptera Neotropical 13:297-304.

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