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I am thrilled to announce that I just joined the ranks of Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá, Colombia) as junior faculty. Very excited for this new chapter in my career!  


I was a postdoctoral associate at the Yale School of the Environment and the New York Botanical Garden, working with Liza Comita. I am also a research fellow at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. I earned my doctorate degree from Marquette University (USA) working with Stefan Schnitzer, and my masters degree from McGill University (Canada) working with Brian McGill. I conducted my undergraduate studies at Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), and for more than a decade I have been affiliated to the Colombian Bat Conservation Program, the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Bat Conservation Programs, and the Tomogrande research field station and biological reserve. 


I am a proud alumni of the Armand Hammer United World College of the American West. 


I grew up in a wonderful family in the mountains of Colombia, enjoying the best sunsets the skies can conjure. 

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